Britney’s father may be investigated by the FBI


US Mr. Jamie Spears is alleged to have placed a wiretapped device in Britney’s bedroom and copied his daughter’s phone data – which allegedly bypassed his guardianship.

Britney Spears and her biological father.

Britney Spears and her biological father.

Alex Vlasov – a former employee of the bodyguard company Black Box Security who was once hired by Jamie Spears to monitor his daughter – has just shocked to reveal that Britney Spears has been monitored all calls and messages by her father for many years. years, since 2008. Alex also claims in the new documentary by The New York Times that Mr. Jamie Spears placed a wiretapping device in his daughter’s room.

Deadline reported on September 27, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is looking into whether Mr. Jamie Spears broke the law or not. Under California law, both parties must agree to record the conversation. Mr. Jamie now insists Britney was aware of the surveillance arrangements.

Britney’s lawyer expressed outrage at this behavior of Mr. Jamie Spears. “Mr. Spears has crossed the line. Placing a wiretapping device in Britney’s bedroom is shameful and inexcusable, and corroborates many of her insightful statements. This needs to be fully investigated,” attorney Mathew Rosengart said.

Britney's attorney, Mathew Rosengart.

Britney’s attorney, Mathew Rosengart.

The lawyer filed additional documents with the court on September 27, citing the wiretapping allegations as evidence that the conservatorship with Britney was a serious human rights violation and should be terminated immediately.

Public opinion and community Britney Spears fans are pressing custody after watching the documentary Controlling Britney Spears of The New York Times airing on Hulu Monday 24/9. In the documentary, former bodyguard Alex Vlasov said the contact information (messages, calls, browser history and photos) on Britney’s phone would be copied to iPad and iPod, then encrypted and to Jamie Spears and his team. “Britney’s phone and her private conversations with her mother, boyfriend and lawyer are often used to control her,” Alex said.

The former bodyguard was once given a USB drive to erase its contents immediately. Suspecting something was amiss, Alex Vlasov transcribed and discovered 180 hours of conversations recorded by an eavesdropping device in Britney’s bedroom. Alex feels that the singer’s life has been seriously violated and he cannot accept himself doing unethical things. “It really reminds me of a person in prison. And the bodyguard being put in a position to become a warden,” Alex expressed. He finally quit after 8 years working for Black Box Security company.

Alex Vlasov (right) revealed that Jamie Spears (left) had been wiretapping and copying all of his daughter's phone data for many years.

Alex Vlasov (right) revealed that Jamie Spears (left) had been wiretapping and copying all of his daughter’s phone data for many years.

Britney Spears has been placed under the guardianship of her biological father since 2008 after suffering a mental crisis. Mr. Jamie Spears was granted the right to care for the health and custody of his daughter’s assets by the court. After 13 years of guardianship, at the trial in June, Britney accused her father of abusing his power to abuse and exploit her, force her to work like a slave and be ready to punish her if she did not obey. In the face of strong allegations by his daughter, Mr. Jamie Spears has accepted to give up his guardianship role. The guardianship hearing will be held on September 29.

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