Revealing President Biden’s daily life in the White House


President Joe Biden ‘s routine at the White House includes having coffee in the morning with the first lady, getting to work as soon as 9 a.m., and returning home at 7 p.m.

When President Joe Biden first flew back to Delaware on Air Force One on February 5, he spent most of the 25-minute flight reading newspapers.

“It’s a great honor. But to tell you the truth, I don’t think about it,” Biden told reporters when asked how he felt about his first trip on Air Force One.

Joe Biden made his first flight on Air Force One as president.  Photo: AFP
Joe Biden made his first flight on Air Force One as president. 

According to CNN, as Mr. Biden settles into the position he has been seeking for three decades, the day-to-day work of a president – with an array of Secret Service agents, frequent intelligence reports on the top national secrets and an ever-present press team – came to Mr. Biden more naturally than his predecessors.

President Joe Biden has established a regular schedule, which includes having coffee in the morning with the first lady, chairing meetings from the Oval Office that begin as soon as 9 a.m., and return home at 7 a.m. evening hours. When walking home along the Colonnade, Mr. Biden is often seen carrying a stack of documents. He still carried the brown leather briefcase with him.

Joe Biden returns home at 7 p.m. every day.  Photo: White House
Joe Biden returns home at 7 p.m. every day. Photo: White House

Unlike his closest predecessors – “night owls” who spend hours at night reading documents (President Barack Obama) or watching television ( President Donald Trump ) – Mr. Biden is the type to go to bed earlier. . He continued the American tradition of reading letters, a few of which were crammed into documents he took home in the evening. Recently, while focusing on the pandemic, Mr. Biden also spoke by video to business owners and laid-off workers during the economic crisis.

President Joe Biden handles business at the White House.  Photo: White House
President Joe Biden handles business at the White House. Photo: White House

Mr. Biden spent much of the White House as vice president, running the West Wing lobby for eight years. Mr. Biden has spent more time in Washington than any other president in decades. Therefore, Mr. Biden’s time to adjust to the position of the White House boss is very little.

“It feels like I’m coming home,” Biden said as he entered the White House on inauguration day. Although he had never lived in this building before, it was the return of someone who had wanted to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for many years.

Mr. Biden found a familiar place, dropping into what used to be his West Wing office to show Vice President Kamala Harris the spot in the window where his wife wrote him a Valentine’s Day greeting in 2009.

Mr. Biden also made surprise visits to other offices in the building, asking employees what they were doing or consulting them on specific questions related to the COVID-19 relief plan.

With former Senate colleagues, Biden invited nearly a quarter of senators to the Oval Office in the first three weeks of work to discuss a COVID-19 relief plan and an infrastructure package. new.

And Mr. Biden was unaffected by the team of full-time reporters. He appeared more willing to answer questions than Mr. Obama.

The president’s daily intelligence report – a top-secret synthetic analysis of the US Central Intelligence Agency – has been produced on a daily basis after being provided only every other day under Donald Trump.

Joe Biden has a hobby of manually adding firewood to the Oval Office fireplace. Occasionally, his two pet dogs, Major and Champ, join him.

President Joe Biden likes to manually add firewood to the fireplace.  Photo: White House
President Joe Biden likes to manually add firewood to the fireplace. Photo: White House

Mr. Biden’s meetings are regular, though they often last longer than planned. Staff meetings, which begin before 8 a.m. daily, are a mix of face-to-face and online meetings as the West Wing is still staffed by few staff due to COVID-19 precautions.

The owner of the White House plays with two pet dogs.  Photo: White House
The owner of the White House plays with two pet dogs. Photo: White House

On the weekends, the President of the United States keeps up the habit of attending Mass at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Georgetown, Washington, or at his hometown parish in Delaware – occasions that aides say let him fit in. return to normal life, at least for an hour.

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