Rihanna and ASAP Rocky appeared for the first time after being arrested by police in an ambush for shooting people, the couple’s expressions caused anxiety


Currently, singer Rihanna avoids mentioning the case of her boyfriend ASAP Rocky , focusing all of her attention on the process of conceiving and preparing for the birth of her first child.

According to the Daily Mail, Rihanna and her boyfriend ASAP Rocky were finally revealed after the famous rapper was urgently arrested by police at the airport for allegedly shooting one person and wounding him. The couple was out on a date in Los Angeles on Saturday night (April 23), just 3 days after ASAP Rocky was arrested .

Worth mentioning, both Umbrella ‘s voice and her boyfriend’s expressions are quite cold, even uncomfortable, even though they are still holding hands intimately. Therefore, fans can’t help but worry that the love of the two stars may be affected after this case. Besides, there is also an opinion that Rihanna and ASAP are not happy because they were photographed by paparazzi when they met.

Rihanna and ASAP Rocky appeared for the first time after being arrested by the police in an ambush for shooting people, the couple's expressions caused anxiety - Photo 1.

Rihanna and ASAP Rocky appeared for the first time after this male rapper was arrested for shooting people

Rihanna and ASAP Rocky appeared for the first time after being caught in an ambush by police for shooting people, the couple's expressions caused anxiety - Photo 2.

The two are still holding hands intimately but they have a rather uncomfortable expression

Rihanna and ASAP Rocky appeared for the first time after being caught in an ambush by police for shooting people, the couple's expressions caused anxiety - Photo 3.

Rihanna and ASAP Rocky appeared for the first time after being caught in an ambush by police for shooting people, the couple's expressions caused anxiety - Photo 4.

Rihanna is currently focusing on taking care of her pregnancy, avoiding stress, while her boyfriend is still facing a serious case

Rihanna and ASAP Rocky appeared for the first time after being caught in an ambush by police for shooting people, the couple's expressions caused anxiety - Photo 5.

Rihanna appeared with a luxurious and fashionable look as usual. However, her expression makes fans worry

On April 20, ASAP Rocky was ambushed by Los Angeles police at the airport for urgent arrest. The police were also on duty at the rapper’s private home to search for evidence. Accordingly, ASAP was accused of shooting and wounding a victim in November 2021 after a fight with this person in Hollywood.

After her boyfriend was arrested, Rihanna went back to his house to retrieve his personal belongings but was stopped by the police. This scandal has greatly affected the mood of the female singer. Rihanna is constantly silent and avoids mentioning that her boyfriend has been arrested in the past 1 week. Instead, she tries to focus more on the nursing process to ensure the health of the fetus.

Rihanna and ASAP Rocky appeared for the first time after being caught in an ambush by police for shooting people, the couple's expressions caused anxiety - Photo 6.

Rihanna and ASAP Rocky appeared for the first time after being caught in an ambush by police for shooting people, the couple's expressions caused anxiety - Photo 7.

It is known that ASAP paid 550,000 USD (12.6 billion VND) in bail and was released on the same day of arrest. The authorities are still actively investigating to clarify the incident.

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