What does the tomb of Alexander the Great have to do with the Moon Knights

Moon Knights

Episode 4 of Knights of the Moon Marvel’sregards the discovery of Alexander the Great’s tomb, raising the question of whether it is missing in real life and what the real story is like. The revelation of Ammit’s tomb also that of Alexander the Great is considered a major revelation on Steven’s part as it has gone missing, in keeping with the current state of the mausoleum in real life. The story behind all of that isn’t a long one, but it warrants an explanation, especially for anyone who wants the historical background behind Marvel’s  Moon Knight  to use it.

In June 323 BC, Alexander the Great died in the Babylonian palace of Nebuchadnezzar II after being sick for two weeks. The exact nature of Alexander’s illness is unknown, but some causes are thought to be malaria, typhoid fever, and West Nile virus. Poisoning has been largely ruled out because of how long it took him to die, but in a 2014 journal, Dr Leo Schep suggested it was possible to use white hellebore to poison him because its poison takes a while. It takes time to kill someone (via  Phys.org ). Despite his death, Alexander’s body was sealed in a golden coffin with a plan to take it to Macedonia.

In fact, Alexander the Great was not a pharaoh at all, although the location of his tomb remains a mystery.

Moon Knight based on a lot of Egyptian and ancient history , so it’s only fitting that Alexander the Great should be mentioned. Alexander actually became “the Great” when he made his first pilgrimage to Egypt. Born in Macedonia around the 300th century BC, he is considered the king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. Because he respected the religious traditions of Egypt, he was greeted with open arms by the Egyptians, who were under Persian rule when Alexander invaded.



Alexander vĩ đại


Alexander went to the Apis sanctuary, and the priests of the temple declared  Alexander a pharaoh . From that point on, he was considered a pharaoh by many Egyptians. Not only that, the priests believed that Alexander was “loved by Amun.” Alexander even began to believe that he was the real son of the Egyptian god Amun. According to legend, Amun was a much more benevolent god  than Ammit, but both were members of the Hermopolitan Ogdownload.

Several factors can complicate the idea of ​​Alexander as a superhero. From the very beginning, Moon Knight  established  Egyptian God Ammit  as a vengeful god who kills people before they commit crimes or crimes, so Alexander being her avatar could mean that he is a human being. antagonist. However, since Ammit’s ushabti  has been sealed in his tomb, Alexander could be the avatar that allegedly betrayed Ammit in volume 1, so if he wasn’t a hero in the first place, then he can become a person at least at the end of his life. What’s even more complicated is how historically Alexander has been portrayed. In addition to devoting his life to conquering people and establishing an empire, he is also noted for having a violent temper and being a paranoid who views himself as a god, none of which That number is very heroic.

Whatever it is, Marvel’s  Knight of the Moon  doesn’t provide enough information about the MCU’s version of Alexander the Great to make a definitive statement about what kind of person he is. As it is clear that he was involved in sealing Ammit, however, his exact connection to Ammit is likely to be discovered. There are only two episodes left of  Moon Knight , so there is still a lot of plot to unpack before the first season ends.

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