Camila Cabello feels miserable because her bikini photo was stolen


Camila Cabello believes that she looks to the sea to relax and rest. However, with the paparazzi ‘s chase , the female singer did not feel at peace.

On April 3, Camila Cabello shared a post on her personal page with 61 million followers. The female singer expressed her frustration when being chased by paparazzi everywhere, especially on the beach. Camila Cabello said she goes to the beach to relax but always feels insecure and uncomfortable. Her outings reluctantly turned into photo shoots at sea, for which the owner was not prepared.

Camila Cabello feels miserable because her bikini photo was stolen - Photo 1

Camila Cabello’s photo on vacation in Miami beach. Photo: JJ.

“I usually wear very small bikinis and don’t mind how I look. Until I saw the pictures online and the comments. It’s annoying ,” she said.

According to the Havana singer , the majority are obsessed with unrealistic models. They photoshop, fast, over-exercise or choose the angle that makes the body look perfect. ” It’s different from the times when we breathe deeply, eat or simply let the waves roll around us ,” writes Camila Cabello.

The young star added: “Today I put on a new swimsuit, put on lip gloss and almost didn’t dare to eat before going to the beach. I held my abs so tight that it hurt, I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t smile. I always have thoughts on my mind where the paparazzi are. It makes me unable to relax and relax, feel nature. I tried to think they weren’t there, but they couldn’t.”

Camila Cabello shared her desire to be like children at sea, free to play, run and jump, no sunglasses, no jewelry, no worries. The female singer feels sad and empty when she is also affected by society ‘s thoughts and beauty standards . According to Camila Cabello, women are always encouraged to live healthy and beautiful lives, but how can you be healthy when you are always stressed and unable to enjoy life.

The star born in 1997 said that to balance her psychology, she listens to many podcasts that promote a positive diet, follows women who love their body, accept stretch marks, belly fat…

This is not the first time Camila Cabello has reacted to being criticized for her appearance. In July 2021, after receiving many comments about her uncontrollable weight gain, she shared : “I am grateful that this body allows me to do what I need to do. We are real women with curves, rough skin, stretch marks and even layers of fat. We need to own it.”

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