Jack Harlow releases disc in Louisville, long lines to greet

Jack Harlow releases disc in Louisville, long lines to greet

Rapper Jack Harlow, a Louisville native, visited a local record store in the Clifton neighborhood on Sunday.

Guestroom Records on Frankfort Avenue hosted Harlow for an in-store appearance. Attendees were allowed to enter the store with the purchase of limited edition autographed CD of Harlow’s “Come Home the Kids Miss You” album.

Fans had to purchase a limited edition autographed CD of Harlow’s just-released album “Come Home the Kids Miss You” to guarantee their chance to meet the local superstar.

line to meet jack harlow

The Harlow faithful began showing up outside of the record store Saturday afternoon. Spectrum News 1 reporter Mason Brighton met a trio who said they began their wait at 2 p.m. Saturday. Harlow’s visit didn’t start until 1 p.m. on Sunday.

Fans were encouraged to buy the new limited edition CD through the store’s website before Sunday’s visit. As of Sunday, the album was sold out online.

All in all, it was quite a Louisville-centric weekend for Harlow as he ended it spending time with local fans.


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