Selena Gomez attended the event with short hair, revealing her weight gain, but netizens still had to say: “Disney princess is back”


After cutting her hair short, Selena Gomez ‘s visuals are becoming more and more “flavoured” and radiant.

On November 4, Selena Gomez appeared in New York, USA to participate in a promotional event for the cosmetic brand she founded – Rare Beauty. Opening a booth at Sephora Times Square, the 29-year-old singer attracted the attention of a large audience and media.

Instead of dressing up as usual, Selena chose a fairly simple outfit but still stood out in the frame. After cutting her hair short, it must be recognized that she “improved” and caused a fever thanks to her pretty and radiant visuals. The round face after gaining weight makes the appearance of the voice of Lose You To Love Me become fresh and sweet. Even a smile of a beautiful person in the moment makes people want to “faint”. At the age of 29, Selena Gomez’s beauty is still beautiful and radiant, so high that netizens have to say: “The Disney princess is back!”

Selena Gomez attended the event with short hair, revealing her weight gain, but netizens still had to say: Disney Princess is back - Photo 1.

Selena Gomez wears simple clothes but still causes a fever on social media thanks to her excellent visuals, “promoting” after losing her hair

Selena Gomez attended the event with short hair, revealing her weight gain, but netizens still had to say: Disney Princess is back - Photo 2.

Despite her overweight body, the Disney princess still shines, scoring absolute points in the eyes of fans

Selena Gomez attended the event with short hair, revealing her weight gain, but netizens still had to say: Disney Princess is back - Photo 3.

Just a sweet smile of the 29-year-old beauty makes fans “melt”

Selena Gomez attended the event with short hair, revealing her weight gain, but netizens still had to say: Disney Princess is back - Photo 4.

Any angle from the angle…

Selena Gomez attended the event with short hair, revealing her weight gain, but netizens still had to say: Disney Princess is back - Photo 5.

… until the straight angle of the beauty’s face can’t be faulted. Her round face, short mischievous hair reminds the audience of the radiant Disney princess image.

Selena Gomez attended the event with short hair, revealing her weight gain, but netizens still had to say: Disney Princess is back - Photo 6.

Selena Gomez attended the event with short hair, revealing her weight gain, but netizens still had to say: Disney Princess is back - Photo 7.

Many netizens also have to say that the once “princess” has reappeared!

Selena Gomez attended the event with short hair, revealing her weight gain, but netizens still had to say: Disney Princess is back - Photo 8.

Selena Gomez beamed when she met fans at the square

Selena Gomez attended the event with short hair, revealing her weight gain, but netizens still had to say: Disney Princess is back - Photo 9.

After gaining weight, Selena Gomez often causes a fever on social networks when she wears clothes showing off her fiery figure

Selena Gomez attended the event with short hair, revealing her weight gain, but netizens still had to say: Disney Princess is back - Photo 10.

Selena Gomez attended the event with short hair, revealing her weight gain, but netizens still had to say: Disney Princess is back - Photo 11

Although her body is more chubby, she does not hesitate to show off her sexy curves and hot first round “burning eyes”.

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